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Secondly, sorry for this post getting REALLY messy, Its 5am and I did a hill repeat after I came back home just now... and the blog postS before this... pardon my half eye closed picture editing and video upload.... They're still uploading now as of 5:13am.I'll leave this on and I believe it should be ready by the time you read this post.
Next up, stroke autopsy.
This picture is a perfect picture to show that you're really not streamline in your swim yet..
Thus there is a huge load of drag.... look at mine if you have the chance. In the previous entry. :)
Bad pull timing: Left arm should wait for right arm to reach when the red arrow is pointng before it starts going down and starts pulling.
Lack of plantar flexion at ankles despite good streamline position when NOT breathing.
Reasonable streamlining but legs are opened up! Should keep them straight and together all the time even when kicking!
This is the swim before I pointed out to you regarding pulling the hip and legs up using your core. You can see your hips and legs are REALLY under the water. Also, the hips are FLAT?! meaning you're rotating your shoulder, but your hips are not turning! We should try to start all movement from our hips yah.
Another picture to show bad streamlining whil breathing. Hip is flexed, knee flexed, left arm pulling.
Overall I see your swim improving after this monday swim session. Keep working at it, you're definitely in the right direction now that your hips are no longer sinking. Breathing can poise a HUGE problem so its time to tackle that NOW! :)
Its REALLY streamline. *Clap clap* But I can't even see you opening your mouth breathing! Don't blame the pic for being blur.. you know yourself you're not breathing enough! No wonder you're always out of breathe! Even wilson found it weird. :D
STREAMLINE! But Arm pull short! if you finish the push phase til your arm is straightened, the hand should exit at where the mid thigh (white arrow pointing) is. From the splash, you can see that your hand is freshly exiting the water in this pic thus the pull is Incomplete.
STREAMLINE (As usual).. BUT why are you flat!? My camera can't take 25frames per sec, so i didn't pause you in an awkward position. You see for yourself inthe video, you'll see that as one stroke finishes and come back, you'll wait til the arm straighten out in the water before starting the next pull.
Once the hand passes forehead can start pulling liao! Entry and pull should start together!
Plus, hips are flat because of the wait for the arm to return completely. There really shouldn't be any fat hip moments of freestyle swim.
Overall, the swim is good, but REALLY need to work on the breathing!!!!
When you're doing a relax swim,you streamline position is out, imagine what happens when you are trying to apply bull strength to increase speed.. it only gets worst... Try to stretch out at hips area, doing a hip extension.
Kungfu kick is no good for FS swim... :Pp Keep that leg down and keep those momentary big splashes away!!!! creates drag that are no good! Left arm start pull too late, Right arm enter liao straighten already the left arm should be underneathe the chest already!
As a result? hips are flat again, like robert and pauline, and the legs ARE SINKING!!!
No doubt, you're one of the most impressive learner I've ever seen! Please jiayou on the stroke and relax on the strength and stamina part.
With efficiency comes speed! All the above are film at slow speed swim and thus the mistakes are small and insignificant.. when you increase force application, body tends to move off the alignment quite abit.. core work is needed! :)
Neil's swim is in fact the most error free. :P Body is relatively streamlined and the only problem is that you always over reach in front and enter with the whole arm splashing onto the surface or the elbow smashing right ONTO the water.
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