Time to up the intensity and peak for the races!!!!!
Tonight's swim:
Lawrence, Alan, Jiawei, Leon, Gen and Sam..
Warm Up: 200m Easy FS500m Mixed FS, pull and kick.
Main set:3x500, Sam and Gen on 12:00, the rest on 12:30 for every 500
Cool Down: 300m Mixed Easy
Wilson, Teck Beng, Kian Ming, Robert..
Warm Up:
4x25m FS (30secs rest), NO MORE THAN 20 pulls per 25m.
50m FS kick + Breaststroke pull
50m breaststroke swim
4x25m FS (30secs rest), NO MORE THAN 20 pulls per 25m
Main set:
6x50 on 30secs rest (O.T.O.T)
Pyramid from 50~200~50 (increments of 50), with 20seconds rest (Robert do 25~100~25, increment of 25).
Cool Down:
200m Breaststroke
I love the cai fan that sam bought me... thank god i have that with me.. 2am now.. damn hungry.....
There are only 4 issues I'd like to raise up here:
1) Streamlining from Fingertips to Toes
2) Pulling straight through until thumb passes mid thigh
3) Keeping the body in a compact position (legs together, arms reaching forward in water and body in neutral spine position) and staying on the surface.
4) Keeping core contracted and feel relaxed.
I see Robert having problem with number 4, anxiety is a performance killer. I believe you're taking it in your stride well enough seeing you complete multiple 50m swim is really a very good improvement in my eyes.
I see kian ming, jia wei and Leon having absolutely No core activation and as a result swam like the arms, body and legs are all separate Units working in its own department.
In order to be streamlined, the body movement has to be first coordinated by the rotation of the hips. And the pre requisite for the coordination and synchronization of pulling and kicking rhythm to occur is to have the abs locked and activated so that the hip rotation will pull the top and bottom part of the body along as it turns left and right.
I hope to have a show of hands how many of you understood my demonstration of sit up and core activation?
If you don't understand, kindly ask me now and get it learnt immediately. Core activation is the key to all activities(from walking to multi sports to doing laundry and hanging the clothes) and injury prevention.
I see Leon, LawLaw, Gen (Why you?!), Jiawei and Kian Ming all not pulling straight back until the arm is fully straightened.
Let me repeat this:
Distance Travelled Per Stroke is WAY MORE IMPORTANT than Frequency of Pulls...
If you have a pull that can move you 10metres forward, do 5 pulls and you'll reach the other end of the pull. If you have a pull that move you only 1m forward, you need to do 50pulls to move you forward! And what if your streamlining is THAT BAD and your pull moves you Zero metre forward?
Try doing 1000 pull with zero stroke length, you'll still get Zero metre traveled.
If distance per pull is compromised when the whole stroke is done in perfect form and you need to increase stroke rate to move faster (timing) then it is understandable. But just by increasing stroke rate with a compromise in the technique is just plain wastage of energy.
The guys team except Alan, is probably doing 1.5x more pulls than Gen and Sam, and yet look at the timing below. Lawrence is feeling relaxed and gliding slightly more than the other guys but still doing more pulls than gen and sam because of the streamlining and pulling issue.
There is a limit to how much strokes you can increase without compromising too much stroke length even with perfect pulling technique. Lets see the below equation.
Swim Velocity = Stroke Length(SL) X Stroke Rate(SR)(eg: 50pulls per minute)
So first you learn how to position your body so it moves as far as it possibly can with each stroke (Good SL, ie distance per stroke), then you get fit enough to take those strokes at a higher rate. But get the SR real high and you probably will be doing bad pulls and bad streamlining due to the rapid body movements. (Phelps do only 30 strokes for every 50m of his 200m event) and his timing is like sub 2minutes?
Now, you see that to increase swim velocity, you have to increase either SL or Stroke Rate Or both.
Unless you train freaking mad, then you can probably flail your arms like some motor engine powered blades.. else the more feasible option should be to increase SL and let the SR remain the same all the time.
Streamlining will help you do just that.
Timing for 3x500:
Some personal messages...
Gen: I'm sorry for making you cry.. Almost cry. Nah, Kidding.. I'm not. :P hahahahaa.. :ppppp
Sam: Sorry for pushing you so hard even though you're still having a nose that run. I hope you out swam it and got it back on your face already. Great swim, even though I expected it to be a little faster.... :P
Wilson: Great job. Good luck on driving! You don't have a F up instructor so I believe you'd pass with Floating colors!
Lawrence: Rest well! Hope this is still a fruitful session for you with the photos!
Leon: Impressive swim! As usual died off at the end. Next time, use the 30seconds of rest to drink some water.
Robert: I believe you are cleared up on what you need to work on already. Western Aus IM, I believe you can do it.. Gotta be disciplined! For now, really really try to spend more time in the water and do what you know you need to do yup. No use for me to nag anymore because that thing you need to do, is not within my nagging control. :D
Jiawei: Surprised you finish the swim without your hamstring bothering you! Glad you're recovering well!
Marianne: We miss you!
Kian Ming & Teck Beng: Welcome! Hope to see you guys next week! Remember to work on technique, not clock the mileage.. If wanna clock mileage, go find some fish that is yellowish in color. My swim team use brain, not just brawns. :D
Alan: Bao Dao Wei Lao... Bring your wife come see you swim! She'll be SOOOO proud of you and she'll pick up swimming too!!!! hehehe..
KH: Hope your 5 injections healed up.. now you're Immune + 1000 already... so sure won't fall sick one. :P See ya next week!
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