Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Some speech to do after watching you guys race.

Well done for the race guys! The energy level of the team is a record high! So happy and proud of you guys! :)

Especially applausible was for Pauline's Podium finish on her maiden Triathlon! Robert and her deeply inspire us as veterans above 50 yrs of age and picked up swimming just 6 months back to finish with OUTSTANDING results. Just look at how effortless they look in their race when THEY pass YOU and all of us should know its time to buckle down and train harder so we don't disgrace the mere number that dictates our physiological age.

Thousand and one thanks to Lawrence who helped us out at pre race preparation, you're one of the kindest soul I've ever seen in my entire life! Great thanks also goes to Benjamin who lent me his dear Reynolds and also Leon who lent me his Zipp front wheel.. I'm sorry I did not do well for the bike race but it is a good wake up call to do better next time round. I will pick it up a notch right after this. :)

Gen, KH and Andy, your hardwork should have awarded you a Podium finish. No doubts about that, I Respect you guys deeply for your accomplishments and the due diligence of effort put into the race in the name of our team and your pride. And Bro, as much as I hate to admit that I had a bad day that day, You came in just couple of minutes behind me.. according to scale of training, you've outdone me already. :)*Salutes!* to all of you!

Sam and Marianne, the inseparable pair.. I find that this healthy dose of racing element is damn hard to find in anyone's life. I particularly find it very hard to find one in my social circle of triathletes to constantly outdo me and for me to outdo in return. I rose to "fame" in bukit batok basketball courts also because I found one nepali friend whom we fought throughout his stay and we found ourselves standing on top of everyone who wasn't competitive enough. Well done sam, for catching up on the run part but the bike part definitely needs more mileage.. Mari is a superb biker for a lady but I think the running technique needs some polishing.. So is sam's. :P Lets meet up for track soon. Good job on the ~20minutes Personal BESTS. :)

Wilson, I can't say much more than I tip my hat to you as your commitment to the training program and relentless trying to improve has proven you can outdo even yourself on the race. After the track session with you, I find that there is a lot of fine points to polish but that is good news... because with those points to polish, you'd know what to improve and with that knowledge, you WILL improve, HEAPS! I look forward to the coming years to having you as one of my close competitors (same goes to Andy, and Gu Man, age group wise. :P).

Teck Beng, your courage and enthusiasm is unparred by anyone in the team. Gen should look up to you for your decisiveness on picking up the sport. I've posted in my facebook before the following:

As a coach, I've seen 2 types of ppl:
1) Those who forever stayed in the phase of "I want to do this. and I'm gonna do it!!!"
2) Those who DO IT.

I'm number 2. and Teck Beng, you're definitely number (2), and with that, I believe you'll do well in life in everything you do.:)

Last but not least, Mr Gu, I know drinking makes you a little slower.. but did you notice you finished MUCH stronger and could complain to me that "IT MAKES ME SLOWER LEH!" compared to that "chui" state at the end of OSIM? As an athlete, we have to know what is good and healthy for the body in the long runs and not think abt just that very moment unless it is a matter of seconds before a difference of world champion finishes. :) You have a strong bike leg and I believe you'll do much better with more training! Hope that you ride out your busy periods and come for training more often!!! :)


Team Sapphire, this is not the end of our journey as a Triathlete but the beginning of our new found passion! I hope I've pulled enough strings to let you see the fun side of this but to commit to a healthy lifestyle, it is only possible via one's own choice. :)

Coach KK

ps: With the above, I am committing myself to a 5hr flat Aviva Half IM next yr march. I will work hard to achieve that.. I lay my name and pride on it and also on this team I shall stand to the test. :)


  1. KK, I am very proud to have you as a coach, the first one in my whole life anyway. I am sorry I wasn't there for you guys on the actual day due to family reason. I guess the NEXT big one like this is the Desaru Tri right? Let's train up for it.....we all shall aim for podium finish like Pauline!!!

  2. Eh.. don't feel bad! we all understood and we all fought with the preparations you did for us remember? Without you, the Open water swim would have been such a failure because of the split in standards in the group and me having to attend to the first timers more! We should ALL thank you! :)

    LOL lawlaw.. u got business to do right? how to join?? I am indeed looking for a very good result actually..

