A list of our team members as of now.
Teck Beng
Chang Jie
Jia Wei
Yi yang?
Lovely. :)
Before I start nagging... let me address Ernest, Aaron, Andy, KH, Ken, Bryan, Brenda and Hong Jun...
I understand that the training was really painful, and really really drowning at some times... Wave, splashes, pain in the shoulders, arms, feel like can't breathe anymore, feels like the pool's gonna overwhelm and engulf you completely at times... etc..
Because... I FELT THEM ALL! and I still feel them now when I race. :)
But the MAIN point is, you guys are still breathing, walking, and reading this post as per normal isn't it?
I believe to some of us, the overcoming of the pain in the training is what keeps us coming back for more.. but I know there're some of us who are reserve enough to just be a couch potato and have that "why torture yourself?" kind of mentality.. It is just different kind of mentality for different individuals...
However, despite the differences in individuality, we're All here for the training on wednesday, and we smile, laugh, complain, kao bei kao bu to me ALTOGETHER! Fun? :)
Most of all, I am very very proud of the new comers that stemmed since Andy and Ernest... It was not easy even til now because the team has started for some time already and it is definitely hard playing catch up in a technique based game when the coach couldn't give personal attention as and when he wants to. It is very very different as to cycling whereby you join a group and just wack.. when you wack hard enough, some day, you'll be in the mid pack, and then continue wacking for another few months or a yr and you might be in the front pack already...
In swimming, if your technique is not there, then you won't ever be in the front pack at all even if you can do 50kg dumbbell curls a hundred times cos of the wacking in the pool.
Brenda, Bryan and Hong Jun, everyone was all praise for you, and I am very very proud that you guys not only stood up to the challenge but endured the sets that I as an adult found difficulty doing. That, we applaud for you. Keep it coming! :)
Now, check the timing... Courtesy of...
Marianne for timing us and recording the timing. Its Tough Job! :)
Sam for typing out the timing
Myself for correcting typo errs and putting it into a orange color format. :P
There are some timing that are not recorded because it was tough managing 14 ppl and still having to write them down and start us. Marianne has done a great great job. Thank her. :)
From timing, we can see of course the moderate swim has turned race pace. Right side controlled by me and vincent and left side probably pushed hard by brenda who don't really know how to pace yet.
I got a couple of points to share.
1) Exertion when swimming in a group.
For new comers swimming in a group, it is vital that you take the first 4 to 8 sessions to know how well you can pace at what type of exertion. DO NOT blindly follow the lead of another swimmer unless you know you can pace him well and finish the whole thing at a reasonable timing at the last set.
A typical example is a track session between me and wilson. He is a 27 mins+ 5km runner and his 400m is about consistent when 1:45 for 6x400. However, on the first session, he shadowed me on my 1:27 400m and then died the rest of the 5x400.
Having 6 x 1:45 of 400 is better than having 1:30 for the first one then doing 1:50 for the rest. Reason?
Speed work is 50% muscular exertion, 50% techniques.
It is the synergy between the perfect execution of the specific(technique) muscle fibres firing at the same time (power).
When you went all out during the first set, it causes the muscles to prematurely fatigue itself and then? you're forced to practice BAD technique AT RACE PACE. How does that sound to you?
If you're confused, let me give another example of WHAT YOU SHOULD DO AND SHOULD NOT DO.
Imagine if I were to have a 10x100m swim on 2:10 with Michael Phelps.
My 10x100m is probably about 1:48?
Michael Phelps is probably doing 1:10 or way lesser?
So if I were to go after him STRONG for the first set and I did a PB of 1:20 because I was chasing him... then the rest of the 9x100 for me would then become 2:10 or more because of muscle fatigue which leads directly to technique breakdown.
So what should I do?
Take note, the swim set is 10x100 on 2:10.
Meaning no matter how fast or slow you swim, as long as you're under 2:10 then you have rest.
I will still do 1:45 pace for myself if i want to do harder but I won't even touch 1:38 on a 10x100.
As per mentioned by my shifu Mr Chan, training is different from Racing/Competition/Actual Use of the functions.
In training, you train not only muscular exertion/force but you MUST train the brain and neuromuscular conditioning too. If you don't train your brain to control the muscles and activate them in the correct sequence, then the technique wouldn't be successful then it'd be wasted exertion.
For those who has trained finesse as strenously as I did for yrs, especially musicians, you'd have notice that when you put in SOOO much drills and part by part practice, on the performance day, the execution will most of the time be near Perfect unless dulled by anxiety and/or nervousness.
Last but not least, try not to draft another person in training. Unless it is a race pace and beyond training (peaking for race), then you can try to have an "active rest" by drafting another person for a lap or two.
However, do take impt note that on actual race day, your result will greatly differ if you don't have the draft. It can also be very detrimental to mental strength in race day if you couldn't catch up for draft at all.
Same goes for biking. Which is why I am still distancing myself from huge group rides unless I'm really dead bored or need a shock in my training for my body.
For my thursday rides, I usually ride according to my own HR, maintaining a certain speed thru out... if I lead, good, else I'd just fall far back and ride on my own to prevent drafting situation.
That'd be all for now!
PS - Extra training for The following ppl on Next wednesday 7.15PM SHARP.
Teck beng (optional, i can share with you how to swim a little faster).
Lawrence (optional, i can help you out one to one with the arm pull - Sam and i both felt you're still pulling way across center).
Ernest (Body is snaking and you don't have yet a sense of body position in water)
Andy (Too stiff, you need to learn how to relax in a stroke. Its not just doing it properly, you have to do it with Minimal amount of force and maintain a really straight body and still feel jelly like soft. Head coming up too high when breathing, body sinking with each stroke. Entry should starts index and. middle fingertip first, not pinky first. When you're gliding, you're putting too much pressure on whole body.. I could see the whole body tense up and sinks when I pass you.)
Aaron (Why keep walking? You were doing ok! QUIT SMOKING~~~~ :D Your core is not strong enough to keep your legs afloat.. need to practice drills and do more planks. Read up on my previous posts for Wilson)
Ken (Body posture wrong. Swim technique isn't there yet.. Kindly read up about my previous posts for Wilson)
KH (You're doing fine, your timing shows consistency. What you lack is more training and more time spent in water. You felt weird because its been long time since you last swam... One swim per week just doesn't cut it if you want to improve heaps and bounds.)
Please inform BY EARLY MORNING if anyone of you cannot make it.
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