Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Please follow the program below. Get it done by this week..:)
Peak week:
Good stroke + high intensity
Before start, visualize as real as possible choppy water in sea throwing u all around and you swimming silky and fluidly in the choppy water slicing open all the wave that is pushing u around.
Make sure all hard effort are swam with maximum effort and focus to streamline the body then think abt pulling hard.
Warm up: 200m fs build (easy - medium - hard - all out)
Get mentally ready
6x50m ( 2x easy medium hard ) 10s R
Breast stroke 200m
Followed by 500m Hard
Breast stroke 200m
Rest 5mins.
10x 50 (25m swim with sighting - 1min thread water -25m swim with sighting)
Cool down:
Mixed strokes 200m
Total mileage: 2.1km
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
3km swim revisited.

An improved overall timing + TT timing.
Improved overall timing probably due to no 21km run the day before. Improved TT timing due to improve in fitness. Deduce according to own feeling. Only ate gel for breakfast this time compared to a good breakfast for the last one.. give and take I think I'm ready for a good HIM swim.
was hoping for a sub 9min TT but I guess I am just not good enough yet.
Looking forward to ride tomorrow. Long run the day after. Hell week is almost over....
*oh.. by the way, after finishing it, I just realized it is actually directly adapted from a full ironman peaking program by Joe Friel.. I guess I overdid it for the swim eh? nonetheless, am a happy man now... :)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Brenda, Douglas, Bryan and Hong Jun data!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Swim Squad 16092010
Lawrence! What I can say I alrdy said! Take note of your strokes and be patient with your sport! Should try to go slower and go back to basic of your stroke. I was there watching your last 6 laps and the pulling under the water was almost unbearable to see... crossing the center completely... :( Despite it is quite a fast timing for the amount of effort you put in in the 500m TT, that same amount of effort could have easily brought you the same timing as me and/or vincent's if not for your pulling!
I think the issue may not be in that you're trying to chiong too hard but its more like when you push harder in your exertion, you tend to forget about have to still continue to have that clear headed kind of thinking when you push for a hard swim or bike or run! Proud postures and stuffs like that!
MR. Take

Take, Why are you so fast? :P
A more constructive comment is your head position and overall body position is now much better! Ask Mrs Take and she'll tell you the same! :D

Vincent, your pacing still need to work on ar.. you can see the hard and flat out really not much difference.. Take a look at mine to see what I'm trying to illustrate.. I hope you can gain this type of control by the time you go to race next year.. I have big faith in you getting good placing bro.
Technique wise, there is not enough rotation. Almost totally don't have, as spoken at the pool.. hope you remember! :)

Wilson ar... How can you lose to Mr Take......... YOU ARE SO MUCH BIGGER SIZE THAN HIM LEH....... technique technique technique!!!!!!!
Teck Beng

TB, STOP counting the strokes with your fingers la~~ hahaha.. Also, you need to work on reaching in front with your arms and doing more core exercises like the extensions I showed you!!! You need to take more responsibility of your long muscular legs la!
Kick fast, don't kick hard!
Also, arm and head went too deep after entry! stay just 5cm underneath the surface!

Sam ar sam.... you need to PSYCHE UP a bit ar.. don't so nuah can... train with more power and speed!!! Don't slack in the swim ya.. wilson caught up with you liao~~~ hehe.. but this time got monthly bill right.. so tired la.. also can understand..
Still, please keep the extended arm in place!!!! and when you swim, you tend to bob up and down before and after you breathe... try to keep the water at above the hair line all the time whether breathing or not! I.E: stay level in the water, don't bob up and down!

Bro, am very proud of what you're doing now. You've came a long way. However, for improvement to keep coming, here's 3 immediate things you have to do.
1) Learn to blink your eye and stay FOCUS in your swim. You can see that at the last 2 laps of the 500m you can still chiong 6-8seconds faster so the problem really lies in the focus right there! This focus thingy is what I'm working on still too.
Its probably the hardest thing to do especially when you get more and more tired... but still, its good training for the brain and prevents carelessness in more dangerous matters like in the army!
2) Keep your body in a "stiff" level position. Get used to the neck positioning and also the reaching and staying still of your extended arm in front + pressing on the chest constantly!
3) Remember, to swim fast, move the hips from side to side fast in that "stiff" position. Don't just pull faster!
In addition, work on the relaxing and "survival" skills ! :)
Hong Jun

Hong Jun! You've officially become my fastest swimming student! Haha.. please work on your right arm, after entry, the palm should stay facing down parallel to the floor. You tend to "snake" it until the palm is facing the side. Next time you stroke, look in front to see.
Also, you head and arms tend to go TOO DEEP after entry. Kindly get them up to abt 5cm underneath the surface!

KK, 2 days into hell week. 7 more days to go. :)
Seriously, I think the swim times are as good as it can get for now til the race. You can safely use these timing as your guide in your race planning. Final call to those who haven't done the race plan. I really may not have the time to check them for you already so if you sent one now and don't get any reply, I apologize in advance as below is my schedule for my own training and multiply that by 2x is my rest and multiply by 2x again is my work time.
Thurs: 1.5hr track.
Friday: 3.5hr ride, 30mins run.
Saturday: 1.5hr sea swim class (Rest)
Sunday: Bike 1.5hr
Monday: swim 2.5km, track run 1.5hr
Tuesday: 3.5hr ride, 30mins run.
Wednesday: 3km swim
Thursday: 2hr run
Friday onwards: taper.
So really, I'm not lying when I say I may not be able to help too much from now on til race.
For those with doubts in your ability, please - trust me, you guys are more than good enough for completion. I train you guys with more tips than perhaps 80% of the coaches in sg give. And the amount of technique focus + periodization we did together definitely put you in the right frame of fitness to RACE the course (at least in swim leg, for those who don't train the other 2 legs with me)..
I have to say that the fact is I don't train just to complete. So I won't train you just to complete also, you WILL outdo yourself. :)
Have no doubts. I have HIGH expectations from _Each _And _Every _Single _One of you. Thus I always find fuss to make about your swim, but compared to the average population of beginner triathletes in sg, You guys are going real REAL strong... You will definitely do well for the swim leg this time around. And KH, no, you won't die.:)
Last but not least, Looking at my timing for my swim, it is really one of the MOST shitty swim I ever had. I will blame it on the hot noon sun run on the day before, but really I think the most important factor is the heat that was on DURING the swim.
You could see that my 5x400 timing was Gradually SLOWER. That is usually Not the case because I have quite a bit of faith in my pacing ability (Proof: look into each 400m and you can see each 100m are done with a 5 to 10 seconds difference of build in the case of Easy, Medium, Hard and Flat out.). I know exactly how hard I can swim and how much I should do to come up with a good negative set.. but the heat really killed me gradually (even though I drank in each of the 10 seconds rests!).
For the Time Trial, it was a 9:33 TT, it looks like a good timing.. but trust me the effort was not like any sub 10min I've swam in the cold SK pool, it was like +5 times more difficult in Rate of Perceived Exertion.
For those going to Desaru, PLEASE - seek this advice: Do some training in the sun, Especially Marianne and Sam. Don't play play okay...
PS - Apologies for the random paragraphing.. I am Really damn shag after facing the numbers again. 3:30am now. nitenitex...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Home Work for all going to race.
As your coach, I'd hope to inculcate a habit in all of you to come up with a detailed race plan so that you have a purpose in racing. A race plan is different from a race goal. A race goal can be as simple as "I want to complete this race." but every race is an unique entity in itself with different characteristics such as its terrain, atmospheric condition, wind condition and even your own fitness level/standard plays a part in how a race will turn out when you eventually complete it.
So, a race plan ensures that we partition the race into smaller chunks and that we can take in each of this smaller chunks and celebrate success as we continue in the race. This does not only give you a greater sense of achievement And control as the race goes on (as opposed to the race getting tougher and pieces of yourself starts falling apart) .. it also let you have other things to focus on during the race if (no need to touch wood as things aren't very likely to always go in the ways we like just as in life.) bad stuffs starts to crop up.
To get things rolling, I will get mine sort out here and you may have a look. The race plan is flexible but should still be as detailed as it can be. There are controllable elements but there are also stuffs that we can't. What a race plan should consist of is to try and minimize the scope of uncontrollable elements and see what exactly are there that can be within our control.
The day before race:
It's friday, we will reach Desaru about 8am in the morning or 12 noon if logistic stuff crops up. The day will be spent taking it easy whilst going out to the beach to have a short swim of about 10 minutes to see where the sun will be.
I will transit to a short run of about 20 minutes just to have the body warmed up and ready for the race. Wash up, and take it easy after that. When lawrence arrives, hopefully we can drive up the race route and have a mental look of what is to be expected. Also, we'll check out and get familiarized with the whole transition area and race areas.
Dinner with mates around 7pm and final logistic check to be done by 8pm.
Logistic check will include:
1) Pump bike tires to 110 psi, if raining, to 100 psi.
2) 1 bottle of water and 1 bottle of electrolytes.
3) Helmet + head band + shades
4) race bib and race belt
5) Fuel belt with 2 bottles and 1 gel and 1 x nuun tablet
6) 6 gels in bike
7) 1 gel before race and 2 gels in Transitions just in case
8) race 2xu tights and goggles and anti fog
9) swim bare top
10) ride with 1 race top
11) run with 1 run top
12) Transition bag
14) Stuff to wear to race venue: 2XU tights, asic run top, jacket, long pants and slippers.
Prayer session before turning in... and Realistically I'm gonna turn in around 9.30pm but still I'll try to do the Lights out at 08:30pm so I can wake at 6am the next day to have a BIG breakfast.
On race day:
It's a saturday, and I will be awake by 6am. Sam will wake me up so I can avoid the disruptive waking of an ALARMING alarm clock. Everything should be peaceful.
I will Wash up and then I will skip the hotel's breakfast if possible (this can become impossible if nagging of sam continues but then I'd still try to follow what my stomach says for all races I've done so far.) and consume the following:
1) 2 X whole meal bread + peanut butter
2) 1 cup of coffee
3) 2 x cookies and cream caloric drink
4) water
I will continue to sip water from my water bottle all the way until the race venue.
I will do my morning business and relax as much as possible in this time frame as I always do. Personal preference that this time is my most productive time frame for my mind.
One final logistic check list against my transition bag + psi of bike check.
Everything should be done by 7am.
Listen to my race music play list and fine tune my arousal.
Proceed to race venue and rack bike and visualize the following:
1) Swim out
2) Swim in
3) Bike out
4) Bike in
5) Run out
6) Run in
Warmup: I will just do an easy swim with a few accelerations to bring my heart rate up and finish the warmup 10minutes before the gun goes off.
However, if the water is too cold to stay in I will do a short run and a few pushups combined with static/dynamic stretches and deep breathing to warm up.
I will start at the front pack but I will maintain a steady pace whilst trying my best to ignore the smothering punches and kicks all around me. I will stay within myself and always search for feet to catch. I will not do unnecessary surges unless it is to catch another pair of feet when current one dies.
On the last 200m, I will build my kick gradually to get blood flowing to my legs.
When I reach T1, I will not rush myself but do the following in a calm manner:
1) Completely clean my feet of sand
2) Wear my socks
3) Wear my bike shoes
4) Wear my helmet
5) Eat 1 gel if I feel good *optional if feeling bloated*
6) Drink 5 mouthful of water
Out of T1:
On the first 20 minutes of bike I will try to take in 1 more gel if I did not take in any in transition. I will keep my heart rate below 80% for the first 30km and pick up speed gradually by 31stkm to 60km. From 60 to 90km is the time for me to ride strongly but steadily and I shall try not to hit max LTHR unless its for the steepest of hills.
Every 30km I may stop to stretch if I feel tightness in my back and glutes. I have absolutely no rush for the race and to do things smoothly and effectively is the best way out for a good debut. I will strongly abide by that believe and I will not let myself down.
Anyway, to be conservative on my bike is to ensure that I have a strong run and stronger finish in my first HIM.
In the last 10km I will take in as much calories as I can and drink as much water as I feel comfortable with.
I will stand to do stretches on the bike even if it mean slowing to crawl. A couple of minutes lost here means great time gains later.
Last 2km will be pee time if need be. Just joking.. nah.. i'm serious...... nah.. joking, really. ;)
I will rack my bike and wash myself with a bottle of water.
Take off my bike shoes and helmet then change to a running top and new socks.
Wear my trusty newton and go for my first half marathon of my life.
I will probably walk the first 5 minutes to eat gel if i feel comfortable or things happen on the bike that I couldn't consume before I start my run.
In my run, I will run a steady pace. I will try to make the first 10km pass by as easily as possible on a 10kph pace if weather allows. Then I will up my pace for the next 11km to push for my best possible 11km.
I will Smile throughout my whole race.
When the race finish, I may jump and I will thank God.
After that I will replenish my fluid lost and worry about cool down later. I will wait for lawrence and run his final kilometer with him if he finishes after me but if he finishes before me I will gladly congratulate another who has surpassed his mate! :)
After everything is done, we will get back to hotel and go for a HUGE DINNER i hope. and I will help my bro, sam, mari and wilson prepare for their tri on sunday.
Remember, the plan is flexible, its written so you have a guideline that you can rehearse on what is to be done on race day.
Come race day, you just have to let your body autopilot and act out your own show that you've rehearsed a thousand times in your mind while you let your mind handles the race jitters and anxiety. If shit does happen, change the plan accordingly on that big day itself but if possible always stick with it if you can!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Swim Squad 080910
No time to do graph this time~~ shall just list the training and whoever's timing I have!
Hong Jun
W/U: 500 FS easy
3 X (50FS, 50Side)
3 X (50FS, 50LS Back)
Mr Take:
W/U: 500 FS easy + Stroke correction (keeping head submerged in water)
3 X (50 FS, 50 FLY, 100 Breast)
4 X 100 FS (As Hard As Possible)
KH (**Reduced timing per lap from 1:13 to 1:06!):
W/U: 3 x 200 FS Easy
5 X 100 FS Easy + Stroke correction (Pressing on chest constantly)
6 X 8-10 strokes without breathing
4 X 100 FS (As Efficient As Possible)
C/D: 200 Breast Easy
Teck Beng
W/U: 500 FS Easy
2 X 500 FS Race Pace
4 x 100 FS (As Hard As Possible)
C/D: 200 Breast Easy
Warmup: SKPKS (100s with fins)
5 X 500 (Fins/Paddle + Buoy/Normal/Paddle + Buoy/Fins --> Hard, Mod, RP, Mod, Hard)
Paddle + Buoy focus is on technique.
C/D: 200 Easy Mixed FS & Breast
Teck Beng <--- psst: Sam commented you were faster alrdy! :D
500: 11:23
500: 11:25
1) 1:58
2) 1:58
3) 2:10
4) 2:11
500: 11:50
500: 11:16
1) 1:48
2) 1:54
3) 2:01
4) 1:55
500: -
500: 12:34
1) 1:56
2) 2:09
3) 2:02
4) 1:55
1) 2:10
2) 2:12
3) 2:11
4) 2:11
500: 10:55
500: 10:18
1) 2:10
2) 2:11
3) 2:09
4) 2:07
Set 1
500m (Every Lap)-10:55
Set 2 500m (I only time every 10m)-11:31m
Fins: 7:48
Paddle + Buoy: 9:15
Normal FS RP: 9:40
Paddle + Buoy: 9:12
Fins: 7:38
22 days to Desaru HALF IM (12 more days of training, 9 days of taper)
23 days to TRI FACTOR! (17 more days of training, 5 days of taper)
Friday, September 3, 2010
In reply to Teck Bengs question.
Before I start, make no mistake, I encourage you to question my intentions and preaching. That is one thing I'm seeking when I started this free class. Because if everybody is a yes bitch(not referring to anyone in team, just in life as general.) in life then there will be no improvement.
Firstly, As far as fitness/technique is concerned, the jury will never be out in Any fixed and confirm manner.
1) individualization of everyone's differing range of motions. Some have double joints, some have stiff or frozen shoulders.
2) we can never figure out what is a Perfect stroke because God made us the way we are n we are not made to swim for life. So we can only get a general guideline on what should be done and avoid as much as possible what is proven that should not be done.
Allow me to direct you in a proper direction to understand my instructions from my point of view so that you'll get more light on what you are actually gonna read later on.
Firstly, it is difficult to convey through words and description to everyone so that everyone will Perceive instructions in different structures in their mind. Thus, as a coach, as far as knowledge wise that I know.. we could only imparting 50% of what we've learnt unless you read deep into wat you're doing. Which, in most cases, training is not their lives... so they don't and just take A for A and B for B. :) What happened to the rest of the information?
20% are generally lost in the ways information are broken down and digested and more importantly, accepted by the receiver. U can clearly see that some people in the squads are hitting some plateau because some that I preach are simply too unconventional to be accepted and practiced.
Then what's left are the details that you have to feel for and make what's right, often they are the time u spent training consciously n diligently trying out new things to see what works.
I, for one, am not a very law by law student. I will take in EVERY single details that my teachers and coaches give then I improvise and find out how better or worst I can make them then I compare with the timings or results that I get then determine what I want to do. And with that work ethic, I found out the last 30% of what I have which I could not impart. Again, it comes down to individualization.
Let's get back to your question of hip rotations.
First of all, make no mistake, there IS hip rotation from phelp's strokes. It's just not to the extend of 45degrees.
The truth is this: IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT MUCH.
Now, why are there coaches(me for example) who preach rotating of hips to 45degrees or more?
Firstly, we talk abt muscular activation. In my previous post I already touched on this. Your muscle fibers will not fire unless you tell it to.
In order for me to teach muscular activation, we have to use visual cues, easy to understand pointers and also one thing I always relied on is Exaggeration of movements.
Allow me to digress...
A lot of times when it comes down to a person (like u and me) who are concerned to the tiniest details of technique, we are more often than not, afraid to make mistakes rather than purposefully make them. We may not agree that is a good way to put it but because of the precision we try to execute a certain itenary(movement or work scope) with, we tend to lose track of what else can make things better even though the bible says that way we're doing is the best there is alrdy.
So, in order to break that norm, I have to make you guys do exaggerated movements, then if you're really concerned and clearly aware of what you are practicing, then your body will know something is wrong and you will raise question like you did today.
Okay, so what does exaggeration of movement do to help you other than make you raise questions?
It teaches your body to move in ways that it has never done before and then in order to move to that position or hold that position, activates that core group of muscles that you need to attain that position or movements.
With that, it makes possible easier learning curve of body movements which otherwise takes a thesis to explain how your bicep flex, let alone talk abt moving your body from finger tip to toes as a stiff as a plank but in a relaxed state of exertion with the activation of hip muscles.
To make things clearer, we go back to the formula of force = mass x acceleration. Physic says that a more powerful force can be executed with quicker movements or a bigger object moving through space. A human's arms and legs definitely don't account for half our body size when they move individually.. Thus it make sense to move all together to generate more force.
That is, in a synchronized manner, and the only way to do so is to time the movement with a corking movement from the core. And the hip is the center of this core.
Have u heard of Bruce lee's inch punch? How can he generate so much force that it makes a person flew back a couple of meters by moving his punch thru an inch of space?
1) his force is generated by moving his ENTIRE body forward,
2) at an incredibly HIGH VELOCITY.
You can visualize that by imagining he is actually throwing his 60kg of body weight through the one inch of space at warping speed. Imagine how much force that can generate.
So we now understand that moving the body in synch can generate more force, that is a bonus to streamlining.
Second point of why hip rotation is required, it is the only way your body can travel forward. Remember I taught about anchoring on one point and just rotating the opposite side of body towards where u anchored your arm on and you'll automatically move forward.
So you get two most significant points on why hip rotation is impt.
1) the only way to move forward in Water
2) the amount of force generated
Last but not least, I will say the hip activation is impt but you don't need a full 45degrees of rotation.
if you know how to move the hips in sharp controlled manner, ie have full control over your hips in multiple, forward, backward and lateral directions.. You can activate the hip by a inch of rotation to the side.
That will aid in disrupting the water lesser.
However, for the rest of the world who don't have such good hip control plus all the other stroke technique details polished up, the advantages of exaggerated hip movement overrides a swim without any.
Also, when you rotate the hips 45degrees, u must remember the more important synergy point is to keep the body in a plank and leveled position in the water as you glide. Streamline anyway so the disruption that occurs during propulsion isn't much of a concern in the glide eh. :)
Let me know if you got more qns. I love answering them because it forces me to tink even more.:)
Teck Beng's Question on body rotation
Hey KK, thanks for letting me write in your blog.
I would like to take this opportunity to post one question that I have been thinking for a while. It’s a little complicated to do this in facebook or SMS, explaining in person lacks the video and pictures, so I thought blogging about it is best, and the rest can read and think about this as well and offer their views.
So, my question is about body rotation, or body roll in freestyle.
I remember you say this before:
“…the body should rotate from side to side, about 45 deg. And this rotation should be the whole body, from the shoulders to the hips to the legs and toes. Basically, think of the body as one single plank, and they should rotate together.
I think this is pretty much the universally accepted method….here’s one blog talking about the importance of body rotation (whole body).
and I quote:
“Your shoulders should rotate with your hips and should move at the same time. It can work best by concentrating on moving your hips first and your shoulders second….”
I was thinking….ok this must be correct then…(KK, I don’t double check everything you say, I only look up things that I find it hard to do…like this one)
But to my surprise, I also found this….
and I quote:
“To move more easily through the water in freestyle, you must rotate your shoulders. No doubt you’ve been told to rotate in the water, but too often swimmers are told to rotate the entire body as they take each stroke. This is incorrect. Elite swimmers work on keeping their hips relatively still with only minor rotation….”
Bloody hell, these 2 posts are both from the same website…
I got a little excited as someone thinks that body roll need not extend below the hips and the hips and legs can remain more or less flat.
Surely, the next thing is to look for video confirmation.
Here is Phelps:
He seems to rotate (below hips) more on the breathing side. The other side is much less, surely less than 45deg
Now, to be clear, I agree that shoulder rotation is important because:
1) helps your recovery arm to clear the water surface without suffering a dislocation in the process
2) reduce the total projected frontal surface area, reducing drag
3) Help breathing, you don’t have to turn your head like an owl to take in a lung full
4) As the shoulders rotates, to keep the head still, the neck needs to turn in relative to the shoulders…this prevents stiff neck
But how many of the above 4 points can be said for hip and below hip rotation?
From what I can imagine, rotating the hips and everything below will
1) use more energy
2) complicates the kicking (at least I find it so)
3) Disturbs the water more.
So, my question: Is the question on body roll a settled issued in freestyle swimming or is the jury still out on this one?
Unlike the straight pull and the S pull, I think the argument is pretty much settled, but for the rotation, seems to me there a still much controversy. Maybe we can all look at this critically and not confuse what is familiar with what is necessary.
Comments please.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
01092010 SWIM SQUAD
Click here to download the XLXS Excel file. You need Office 2007 to open it.
This is all I can manage after the tough set of swim and input of data and getting the charts up. The numbers are total number of seconds.
I.E 1'15" = 1:15 = 1 min 15 secs = 75secs. The chart are all in seconds.

Teck Beng
Click here to download the XLXS Excel file. You need Office 2007 to open it.
I'll wait for the rest to update me with their sets and timing before I update anymore. I just couldn't bring my brain to process now about your mistakes I registered during my TT.
PS - Please have the initiative to post your questions on your strokes for me to answer if any.