Lawrence! What I can say I alrdy said! Take note of your strokes and be patient with your sport! Should try to go slower and go back to basic of your stroke. I was there watching your last 6 laps and the pulling under the water was almost unbearable to see... crossing the center completely... :( Despite it is quite a fast timing for the amount of effort you put in in the 500m TT, that same amount of effort could have easily brought you the same timing as me and/or vincent's if not for your pulling!
I think the issue may not be in that you're trying to chiong too hard but its more like when you push harder in your exertion, you tend to forget about have to still continue to have that clear headed kind of thinking when you push for a hard swim or bike or run! Proud postures and stuffs like that!
MR. Take

Take, Why are you so fast? :P
A more constructive comment is your head position and overall body position is now much better! Ask Mrs Take and she'll tell you the same! :D

Vincent, your pacing still need to work on ar.. you can see the hard and flat out really not much difference.. Take a look at mine to see what I'm trying to illustrate.. I hope you can gain this type of control by the time you go to race next year.. I have big faith in you getting good placing bro.
Technique wise, there is not enough rotation. Almost totally don't have, as spoken at the pool.. hope you remember! :)

Wilson ar... How can you lose to Mr Take......... YOU ARE SO MUCH BIGGER SIZE THAN HIM LEH....... technique technique technique!!!!!!!
Teck Beng

TB, STOP counting the strokes with your fingers la~~ hahaha.. Also, you need to work on reaching in front with your arms and doing more core exercises like the extensions I showed you!!! You need to take more responsibility of your long muscular legs la!
Kick fast, don't kick hard!
Also, arm and head went too deep after entry! stay just 5cm underneath the surface!

Sam ar sam.... you need to PSYCHE UP a bit ar.. don't so nuah can... train with more power and speed!!! Don't slack in the swim ya.. wilson caught up with you liao~~~ hehe.. but this time got monthly bill right.. so tired la.. also can understand..
Still, please keep the extended arm in place!!!! and when you swim, you tend to bob up and down before and after you breathe... try to keep the water at above the hair line all the time whether breathing or not! I.E: stay level in the water, don't bob up and down!

Bro, am very proud of what you're doing now. You've came a long way. However, for improvement to keep coming, here's 3 immediate things you have to do.
1) Learn to blink your eye and stay FOCUS in your swim. You can see that at the last 2 laps of the 500m you can still chiong 6-8seconds faster so the problem really lies in the focus right there! This focus thingy is what I'm working on still too.
Its probably the hardest thing to do especially when you get more and more tired... but still, its good training for the brain and prevents carelessness in more dangerous matters like in the army!
2) Keep your body in a "stiff" level position. Get used to the neck positioning and also the reaching and staying still of your extended arm in front + pressing on the chest constantly!
3) Remember, to swim fast, move the hips from side to side fast in that "stiff" position. Don't just pull faster!
In addition, work on the relaxing and "survival" skills ! :)
Hong Jun

Hong Jun! You've officially become my fastest swimming student! Haha.. please work on your right arm, after entry, the palm should stay facing down parallel to the floor. You tend to "snake" it until the palm is facing the side. Next time you stroke, look in front to see.
Also, you head and arms tend to go TOO DEEP after entry. Kindly get them up to abt 5cm underneath the surface!

KK, 2 days into hell week. 7 more days to go. :)
Seriously, I think the swim times are as good as it can get for now til the race. You can safely use these timing as your guide in your race planning. Final call to those who haven't done the race plan. I really may not have the time to check them for you already so if you sent one now and don't get any reply, I apologize in advance as below is my schedule for my own training and multiply that by 2x is my rest and multiply by 2x again is my work time.
Thurs: 1.5hr track.
Friday: 3.5hr ride, 30mins run.
Saturday: 1.5hr sea swim class (Rest)
Sunday: Bike 1.5hr
Monday: swim 2.5km, track run 1.5hr
Tuesday: 3.5hr ride, 30mins run.
Wednesday: 3km swim
Thursday: 2hr run
Friday onwards: taper.
So really, I'm not lying when I say I may not be able to help too much from now on til race.
For those with doubts in your ability, please - trust me, you guys are more than good enough for completion. I train you guys with more tips than perhaps 80% of the coaches in sg give. And the amount of technique focus + periodization we did together definitely put you in the right frame of fitness to RACE the course (at least in swim leg, for those who don't train the other 2 legs with me)..
I have to say that the fact is I don't train just to complete. So I won't train you just to complete also, you WILL outdo yourself. :)
Have no doubts. I have HIGH expectations from _Each _And _Every _Single _One of you. Thus I always find fuss to make about your swim, but compared to the average population of beginner triathletes in sg, You guys are going real REAL strong... You will definitely do well for the swim leg this time around. And KH, no, you won't die.:)
Last but not least, Looking at my timing for my swim, it is really one of the MOST shitty swim I ever had. I will blame it on the hot noon sun run on the day before, but really I think the most important factor is the heat that was on DURING the swim.
You could see that my 5x400 timing was Gradually SLOWER. That is usually Not the case because I have quite a bit of faith in my pacing ability (Proof: look into each 400m and you can see each 100m are done with a 5 to 10 seconds difference of build in the case of Easy, Medium, Hard and Flat out.). I know exactly how hard I can swim and how much I should do to come up with a good negative set.. but the heat really killed me gradually (even though I drank in each of the 10 seconds rests!).
For the Time Trial, it was a 9:33 TT, it looks like a good timing.. but trust me the effort was not like any sub 10min I've swam in the cold SK pool, it was like +5 times more difficult in Rate of Perceived Exertion.
For those going to Desaru, PLEASE - seek this advice: Do some training in the sun, Especially Marianne and Sam. Don't play play okay...
PS - Apologies for the random paragraphing.. I am Really damn shag after facing the numbers again. 3:30am now. nitenitex...
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