Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Maiden Training!

Tonight, 4/11/2009, 8pm marks the official start of our free triathlon swim training!

Despite the fact that there are only 4 people who turned up, training was fruitful and definitely rewarding with loads of laughters. =)

Below are the summary for the training.

Warmup swim
Catchup drill
Body roll drill
Fingertip dragging (high elbow) drill

Drill Swim with board for lawrence and wilson. Emphasis on keeping head and torso submerged in the water.

Drill swim with arms pulling on the side instead of going inwards across the body.

Drill swim with entry in the direction of our shoulder instead of going to the center.

Drill swim with emphasis on breathing with almost half face submerged in water.


Everyone's reaction for the drills was "Gao wei" (hokkien dialect for awkward) or.. "feels damn weird leh.." or.. "I thought I'm doing that already!!!"..

Well, to be frank, to change from an old habit to a new one is definitely a damn "gao wei" feeling. But then again, swimming efficient frontcrawl in itself is not a skill that we're born with.. learning it in the beginning while we were young is definitely the most "gao wei" times of all.

It is just that now we're all grown up and thus the "gao wei"-ness is much more amplified by our heightened awareness of surrounding and our feelings compared to when we were young.

Anyway, I hope that after the training on wednesday night, you guys will still take some time to practice (i said practice. MINDFUL ones, that is..) the points that I've stated during our training.

Feel free to contact me at 81800621 (SMS preferred as my phone screws itself if i talk over it for like 5 minutes... christmas is here.. blackberry, anyone??? :P)

Coach KK

PS- Some notes for gen.
Your time trial timing is 10mins 42 sec. Not bad for an untrained swimmer. But definitely have room for improvements judging from the stroke you have at the moment. Remember that swimming is a sport with repetitive movements, just like running., thus doing the same movement over and over again during a workout means you'll be doing it for 100s of times.. and when you multiply that with the 2cm of gliding you add to your stroke by correcting your hand position, you'll get 200cm more for each 100strokes you do. Do the math, focus on your technique and have faith. I'm sure you and sis will get better soon! Sam's TT is not recorded here cos it is not an accurate one.

PS PS - The purpose of Time trials is not to show off how fast you are but for you to gauge if you're improving. As the training goes on, we will be doing more time trials after every some time of training. Results will be posted here. And you can check them out. :)

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