Thursday, December 2, 2010


Dear Team,

I understand several of you are going to Standard Chartered run this weekend and thus I made the swim a very informal and educational one. I think it fulfilled 2 main purposes.. first, of letting those going for the run have a rest and i believe secondly everyone seemed to have more or less grasped what I was trying to share about keeping your body straight in the body using your core.

I could see everyone's hips floating much better after activating the erector spinae, glutes and hamstring in that land swimming drill. However, I see possible issues arise from the 10 minutes of swim.

1) It requires a lot of mental strength to keep the chin up, chest up and buttock up proud posture.
Holding that posture whilst thinking about breathing, EVF, leg kicks from hips and body rotation is definitely a lot of thinking to do.

2) Your core may not be strong enough to hold that hip up high for long period of time yet and thus some of you may be rushing to do too much practice.

At all times, make sure you do just enough until your buttock starts to sink. It may mean 80 laps for me, it may mean 2 laps for somebody else.

Whatever it is, when it comes to techniques and skills, it NEVER pay to rush to increase volume and duration. Once technique falters because of muscular fatigue, then practice will become very meaningless unless you rest and allow the muscles to recover and be able to hold the position again.

It can look really easy for people like sam, myself and vincent to be performing it but it is because we've been doing swim in the right way or at least, sports at quite a high intensity before and thus our general body conditioning are pretty O.K. but it is a very tough thing to do for most general population. That includes all of us in the team.

So, once again, patience is a Value to inculcate... and it is never too late neither can it be too early. The sooner you start to practice going slower and in the right manner, the EARLIER you'll get to benefit from the practice.
I'd like to commend Calvin, Teckbeng and wilson for trying. Their body like mine are very bottom heavy and/or lengthy. The longer and heavier the lower body is, the harder it is to keep it afloat and yet, they're trying their best to do it without complaints... I recognize this effort because I was one of the "victim" of being bottom heavy... But you'll realize that constant practice of this mental control of your lower back and other core activation will allow you to get stronger and stronger overtime that you'd be able to do it just like what I showed or even better!
For Mrs Takesawa, I'd like to praise that your swim is one of those who felt 150% correct to me after you corrected your entry to be at shoulder width and also today you kept your hip up and manage to erase the lazy legs to keep the feet up breaking the surface gently. It is a very very correct stroke and definitely ready to push for greater heights!

Wilson got lots of brush up to do and I believe your posture problem came abit from the long runs.

Vincent, you need to try and reduce the amount of time you spend in level 8-10 kind of effort. The lesser you visit that, the better you will become in months to come.

Basically there is two parts to conditioning your body to burn fats.

1) Eat and Drink lesser sugar and mid to high G.I. Carbs (limit that to just after workout)
2) Train more at low intensity of 4-6 level of effort.

You know where I am getting to la. I shall stop my nagging here. Apologies to be a nanny of some sort la.
Sam, KH... I need two of you to start gymming with me to prep for OSIM.
Lawrence and Ebnu, are we confirmed on Aviva? I need to plan for you guys yah..
Hong Jun, please make sure stroke is correct as you clock the distance. Try not to just do freestyle in every lap. Mix up all the strokes to get overall conditioning.
Benjamin and Jaslyn, as spoken before, from these two training sessions, I will like to presume that you two are power type athletes who can perform very well in sprint events. And that means you need to apply a lot of force in water, i.e there will be A LOT of resistance coming in your way if you don't correct the breathing technique.
Another flaw I saw in your stroke is that

1) Jaslyn kick too much

2) Benjamin is just fluttering the ankles and toes
The kick should be at max 3 beat per pull during slow to moderate effort swim like tonight.

And the kicks should start from the hips, not just move as fast as possible from the ankles. The ankles have very small muscles and will easily get injured when kicking that way.
"Moo"saic, You have to work harder on the other strokes to have an edge at your age of competitive swimming. It is not so much about freestyle only but you need to be well rounded so that your overall body will be better conditioned to move in the water. That will build you a base foundation that will help you a lot should you decide to pursue swimming in the near future more seriously in multisports.



  1. Coach,
    many thanks for the feedback, as much as the mind says go for AVIVA, i wld rather train and train until it becomes a routine whilst juggling work. I wld like to be realistic and not be disappointed, I wld like to race in the biathlon, a 10 K race and definitely the OSIM olympic distance and in June the 20K run. That is more realistic for an old horse like me.

    Thanks :)


  2. Yes Ebnu, that is my exact sentiments. In fact i wish more of our group members think of progressing gradually like you do..:)

    Anyways, I felt that you should start training regularly and other than fitness improvements, i am hoping you'd get some insights into your own schedule management versus putting time into training and even more importantly the recovery. Many of us, me included tend to overlook the recovery as we only think abt doing...

    As always shared, the workout gives the potential to gain an amount of fitness but it is During the Rest that the fitness is truly gained as the body repairs itself from stressors.

    Going for the singapore biathlon will give a realistic and challenging(base on your swim skill at this moment) goal to reach for and i am excited for your gains through it! It will definitely be VERY satisfying.. And rest assured i will help you to the best i can.:)


  3. Dear coach KK, thanks always for quality training. As I started joining Wednesday swim, I feel something changing. One thing I was surprised to find was that learning to swim slowly makes difference to me. I can swim more relaxed way and while doing so it is also
    easier to hold a correct posture.

    When in training it is important to know why you need to do that, but in old days it was quite normal to follow what you were forced to without understanding it. Your advices already answer questions before asking, and can digest logically as to why it is necessary. It's so encouraging to have chances to improve!

    Yukari Takesawa

  4. Thank you Yukari San!!

    First of all, i understand sometimes i talk too fast as i am trying to share a lot in a very limited amount of time.. Moreover, my english pronounciation isn't very good to be honest so i believe you probably have those times where u lag behind and then lost yourself in my sharing or discussion..

    I seek your understanding for that and i hope you and mr take will not be shy to come forward to me n ask me when you have doubts over what i said!

    As per always my training philosophy is to 1st KNOW WHAT WE'RE DOING, then Do. So it is very important for all of us to raise the qns needed to get clarified.. At least grab 50-65% of the idea of what i am talking abt them go try out!

    Once again, having your gracious swim in our team is an honour and very stark reminder to all of us whenever we tend to bulldoze our way through the water! Very frankly your state of comfort in the water puts the fastests of our very own swimmers to shame including myself at times.

    I will share some training tips with you when we have a talk soon ok?:)

    People, when you're pushing hard and then the spectators around you came to you and tell you " look like you r just breezing through.. Dont you do hard efforts or swim harder?"

    That is a compliment. Because you look effortless to their mortal eyes.:)

    Keep it up team!!

