Friday, February 12, 2010

Swim Squad - 10/2/2010


300m swim (100 fs,100bs,100fs)
200m pull
100m kick

3x100, on 2:20
30 sec rest
3x100, on last person + 5sec rest

3x200 on 4:45

200m easy mixed


Teck Beng
Kian ming

Warm up:
4x 25m free 25m breast

Pyramid: 25-100-25 20sec rest OTOT

10x50 15sec rest OTOT

200m TT

Continuous swim
300m breast stroke/free


All these observations are made whilst I was swimming up and down.

- stroke was ok every first half lap of the swim
- after which, breathing became gasping for air (too hard breathing in, should be relaxed as per easy run breathe in 2steps, breathe out 4steps)
- took too long to gasp for air, as a result body sink after breathing ends
- that in turn caused body to be deep and thus the next breathe to be difficult and you have to pull harder , COME UP HIGHER to breathe... The higher you comes out of water, the deeper you get and the vicious cycle continues.

-solution: more conscious time spent in water by yourself to discover what works for you and is comfortable.

I thought the stroke was beautiful but it lacks a bit of force. I think it's high time you try to push it a little to see exactly how fast you can get for 50m of hard pull + gliding..:)

When I hear the timing of 200TT, I'd already know you went pretty hard on the first 50 and then felt like you could carry on the same effort on the 2nd 50, then strokes properly starts to breakdown from the third and fourth 50 due to oxygen debt and never train speed endurance before yet..

It's good to know you feel like you can still hold yourself together in the 200m TT as that means you know what you doing and is in a state of conscious incompetency.. You should be able to swim like fish once you go through some hard swims! :)

Good job on the 200m TT of 4:45.
For 200m set, its usually a challenge to maintain stroke length + amount of force applied on the third lap onwards (its different from perceived rate of exertion... you will have to consciously pull harder).. You'll soon be training with us!!! :D

No hang time! Especially when tired.. Don't pull with your left arm when breathing!!
Pulling still with straight arm, looks like shoulder flexibility issue to me though. Right now you're in the "can swim" category and threads a thin line between staying like that to clock average timing or be disciplined enough to look into your mistakes persistently EVERY SINGLE F-KING pull you do. I chose the latter. :)

Teck Beng:
Next week you're joining our group! When I saw you swim pass, I thought "who is this guy? Leon? Looks longer leh.. Quite fast what.".. Haha..
I felt like your kick can be improved and I still don't know how well you fare when doing sets of 200s.. The good news is being able to clock below 4:30 (you did 4.15 to be exact) for 200, that is a pretty good thing to do, next step will be to learn how to maintain that over longer distance! We'll see how you fare next week in sets of 200s! (ooops, is that what the next training is about? hehehe..)

Your pulls are picture perfect under the water most of the time. In fact the swim too.. Which is why you kept feeling how come I'm doing the same thing as you but you don't seem to be moving.. The reason is when you're fresh, you can know what you're doing and have full control... But when you're tired, you lack mental awareness of what was changed by yourself to compromise to your breathelessness.. Things you did when your stroke broke down are below:
1) left arm pulling when breathing.. Should wait til right arm finish pulling straight and come pass forehead then start.
2) left arm pulling straight down.. must have high elbow catch water position..
3) left arm not doing anything but just going through motion.. Next time swim warm up with 25m of fist swim by clenching your fingers of left hand together tightly then open up for second half of the lap.. You'll feel an improved feel for catching water and that'll help your left hand..:)
4) right arm push (2nd part of pull) phase is shortened and thus also your breathing time.
5) kick open too wide, you need easy and fast tap -the-water-and-go kinda kick.. Not hard kick focused solely on downward force.
6) sometimes when you noticed you're rushing things, you will finish your breahe and bring your right arm back side by side with your left arm and go into a fully extended flat position.. That caused body to sop moving and thus the problem caused by law of inertia.
To correct that, remember that rest time is when you're on your side gliding! Not flat!

Next week we work on threading water.
For your breast stroke, try to do it in short laps at shallow pool.. once you feel struggling, stand up, reset and do again. Remember, the arm extended in front, FOR EVERY STROKE, is supposed to be relaxed and straight. A dead weightless arm is what they call it.

As for breaststroke breathing, work on the below:
Stay on the surface..
once you're just underneathe the surface, you can use your neck to get out of water to breathe.
Thus you won't be shifting the whole back out against the water! :)
Any questions, let me know!

Kian Ming:
You got SERIOUS issues in the below points:
1) Streamlining from fingertip to toe.. your body is literally CRUMPLED!
2) Changing the bad habit of sprinting... you have to glide more...
3) Not used to doing the 2 beat kick per pull
4) Head too high out of water when breathing. Causing hip to sink and body to slow. Try to aim for half a face out of water.

Work on the above points first and you'll be able to improve A WHOLE LOT. trust me. Reducing drag is KEY to fast swimming.


I am guessing between these two options for your feelings during the 3x200m...

1) You feel so sianz abt the laps that you don't feel motivated to push yourself to go harder.. (Just like how sam feels sianz about her running that she stop at half a round and feel like she can't go on mentally.)

2) You can't feel your arms already and thus you could barely move the arms through the water... and you're just going through the motion in your pull.... no more strength... thus can't go any faster even in the last set?

Which one is it?
If its the first one, I could only help you by telling you "only you can help yourself! and i think you should use jiawei as a goal as you're really almost as fast as he is and just need a little bit more to be on par in longer distances!"

If it is the second, then I'd suggest you do one more extra swim in the week by yourself.. just easy to moderate swim, no need hard effort.. just clocking the mileage and polishing stroke kinda laps.. probably 20 will do... That should increase your arm endurance by quite a lot.

Told you fatigue is accumulative. Even though this is a build week in your program, you should really try to have enough rest and feel strong through the practices.. Doing 3 days of swims just won't give you quality strokes at all for now. Endurance will increase no doubt.. but make sure you stay very conscious in your swim!:)

At the last 2 200s I saw your knee bend getting from bad to worst and breathing becoming very high out of water and your body is literally sinking all the time! Thus the dropped timing...

When you train in a structured program, you have to see the program as a whole and pace yourself in your trainingS. For example, if i have a L3 run tomorrow and a swim today. I won't be going all out during the swim unless I have a rest day after the run which can allow me to rest well. In your situation its easy as you're training just 6 days a week. It gets more complicated when you train 9 times a week... Jiayou in learning ok!

Good thing that you corrected your stroke in the shoulder injury prevention part... sometimes, consciously tweaking your stroke to see what works in removing/reducing the bugging ache in the joints will help. Looks like you've grown pretty good in being aware with your own body!

Anyway, Great swim nonetheless! I'm scared. :Pp

You're improving HEAPS in this short amount of time! I think your main issue lies in the shoulder flexibility--> bad recovery.. also, you tend to bury your head into the water when you're tired.. as per described by me after the swim.. the spine alignment thingy. Let me know if you don't understand and I'll help you out.

You got good endurance and your body weight is great for triathlon sport.. Keep training smart and hard! You'll make it big someday if you keep at it I believe!

Swimming fast over a distance over 50m requires you to pace yourself over a WHOLE SET. Going all out in the first set then allowing yourself to get slower meaning you're being controlled by your pace.. I always believe in having control over every elements you know.

An example of what happen if you're being controlled by your energy/pacing is exactly what happened this training.. You cramped up and couldn't finish the training.
During a race, if we can't finish the distance, you'd be DNF. Did Not Finish. Whatever reasoning we can give to soothe our ego/pride/face... the fact is that once you're busted, thats it - You're Gone, DNF will still be DNF.

Despite all of the above, I still have to applause for your swim as they're indeed really FAST and POWERFUL in the 50 to 100m region.
If you can learn to master this power and how to spread the energy capacity over the distances properly, you'll have a very even fast timing for every set and still be able to give it the last minute push to get your personal Best.

I don't know how much you understand/believe in this.. but give it a try, you'll see it for yourself. :)

As usual, I see a great catch position in the starting of the pull..and the overall body position seems to be quite streamlined. the best thing is it is almost automatic as it happens still as picture perfectly even in the last of all laps. :) It is only in a matter of time when your aerobic capacity and your muscular endurance improves and you'd be able to maintain the amount of strength you can apply through out the strokes for longer laps.

One issue I see in your stroke is probably the kick opening up too wide during hard swims and the pull tend to shorten when you feel weaker at near the end of the swim. Increased stroke rate plus shorten distance per stroke usually = to slower timing at the end of the swim sessions due to the decrease in power too.


Shiming & Seema:
You'd have to work on the breathing.. Remember that if you can't breathe naturally in and out of water.. the constant gaseous exchange of O2 and CO2 is critical for the system to maintain aerobic in swim and not go into anaerobic zone.. basically, for it to feel easy and you'll not reach the other side of the pool feeling like you've just finished 100m running sprint.

For shiming's freestyle, work on lessening the kick.. not more than 2 kick to go with 1 pull.

Seema, use short laps on the shallow pool to practice your swim with the breathing.. Practice the bubbling before going into the stroke practice.. :)


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